Previously known as White Cloud Yoga, GYROKINESIS® is a movement system that draws from Yoga, dance, as well as Chinese medicine. It was founded in the United States by Rumanian born Juliu Horvath

The method consists of flowing three-dimensional movements, which are coordinated with the breath. It cultivates spatial awareness inside and outside of the body and strengthens the body’s center.

Through a combination of breathing, stretching and strengthening, joints and muscles are systematically trained,while fascial restrictions are loosened. Muscle tonus improves and even chronic tensions can be reduced and give way to a relaxed, expressive and dynamic movement quality.

GYROKINESIS® is taught in groups of 3–8 people.


No previous movement knowledge is necessary for GYROKINESIS®.

I offer GYROKINESIS® in regular classes, as well as workshops.
Workshop requirements: sitting stools and mats for each participant. 2.5 to 3 hours is an adequate length of time for a workshop setting.

GYROTONIC, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM and GYROKINESIS are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.


«I want music
in my body and
poetry in my body, and
I want to be skillful without struggle;
it has to come
without struggle.»
Juliu Horvath